
Y13 Music Video - dir. Tom Scriven


  1. I have not heard this song in ages! I really liked the use of black and white images of the music box and wine and think that could have been used a bit more, and I thought the idea of showing a destructive life style through clips of all the small things that build up to a major problem was done really well. Liked the effect of reversing time which I've been considering, so I'll look more into that. The only things I didn't like were the party scenes which felt I bit too forced, as did the knife on arm seen which I felt was a bit graphic and unnessecary, and bought attention away from the rest of the video. I'd say it deserved an A.

  2. I liked the use of reverse of time, with the filling of the wine glass which must have taken a while to do. I quite liked the use of little details such as the music box in black and white. Looking at that I may consider usiong contrast of black and white with colour as they do here. The things that brought the grade down for me were some of the camera angles as I thought some of them could be closer for better effect. The party scene didn't seem realistic to me. I'd give it a high B to a low A.

  3. I love this song and actauly debated doing it for my own project. I think that overall video is very good, and i like the bit at the begining with the ripped up photograph.I think that the scenes are cut to quickly to fit with the mood of the song, but the actual story line is really good. I liked the use of black and white and i think it worked well, its inspired me to maybe experiment with that in my own video. Overall I would give it a B, because I thought it was really good, but some of the camera shots and cuts could have done with a bit more work.
    'There is proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation ' I think that this quote from the mark scheme is the best to describe why I gave this a B. It would be a high B though.

  4. Watching this video has certainly helped me in the planning for my own project. Before watching this, I had similar ideas in my head about how to film scenes at a party for example, the protagonist holding the camera and spinning around, giving the effect that they are under the infleunce...

    I liked the way that they pieced together the video, the repetition of some shots reinforcing the main themes such as the couple making out against the wall and the protagonist spinning about. This definately established its mise-en-scene as a mixture of dark and eerie along with romantic.

    As Kerry said, I love the shot of the wine glass, a great technique used and it slotted perfectly into the film.

    I think that shots of the protagonist taking a wide variety of drugs was very daring, showing the "real truth" rather than sugar-coating it.

    On the downside, the shots were slightly pixelated - a problem I had for my AS piece but I don't think that this makes the piece any "less well" constructed.

    Overall, I would give this piece a solid B. It meets the criterea on the OCR website and I agree entirely with what Steph said about proficience. It is a great piece and I hope that I can replicate some of the elements in my own video.

  5. I think that this video was really good. I liked the way he did the wine in the wine glass and the way he sped up time on the clock. I also liked the way that he used a narritve for the song, cause i don't think that it would have worked otherwise. I also liked the bath scene and the close ups of the plug etc, i thought this was really effective. The only think that i would say is that it was a little fuzzy at times and although i thought this was effective in some parts it wasn't in others. However, he may not of wanted that to happen it may have been down to the camera. But overall i enjoyed it as a music video and think that it suited the song. Therefore, i would grade it a an A, but after looking at the OCR website i would grade it a B.

  6. The amount of different film techniques used in this video show the amount of time and effort Tom has spent on his production piece. I think the stop motion of the ripped up poster and the alarm clock were extremely effective, giving the whole video a strange feeling straight from the start.

    As a music video overall, Tom has developed something that is very dark and a little bit scary, with the constant mentions of drug taking and self harm present through the whole clip. I believe this music video goes very well with the song and that Tom has created an extremely good piece of coursework.

  7. Nice and dark, I love a video lacking niceties and dishing out some mean morality. Song feels weirdly 'clockworky' with the film, ticking along; I don't know if that's me under the influence of the music box or something, but still.

    The content is excellent, but I do feel that the camerawork is occasionally lacking something - I know there wasn't much home editing stuff a few years back, so effects were out, but that's no excuse for shaky hands. Tripods a must, as some of us have learnt the hard way.

    Weird thing is, I felt that Tom got more into his role as the film went on - we had some overextended scenes early on, but he seems to really get into the feel of it. I'd give him a solid B, borderline A, for many of the reasons outlined above.

  8. Certainly, the first thing that hits me in this is the amount of work they have put in it which is evident from all the very different shots taken. Such as, as everyone else has touched on such as the wine glass filling up very quickly in a number of short shots. And the photograph pieces moving back to the way it was first of all (in one piece). I like the relevance of this shot to the actual story, because it is like he is trying to piece his life back together again, but everything is going wrong.

    I agree with Kerry and Jack that the camera work probably could have been better. And also the party scene lacked realistic qualities.

    The music is well timed with the clips, and I can see a lot of thought has gone into, especially, what clips will match up with the parts of the music video appropriately.

    And at the end of the piece I liked the fact that some small cuts were re-winded, like when he was going up the stair with the girl, this was reversed so they were going down again. A bit like he was trying to reverse what had been done, again with the photograph at the beginning.

    If I were to mark this, I would give it a low A, because I think it may be lacking only slightly in the quality of video. But in terms of excellence, definitely the thought and planning that has gone on behind this production is apparent.
