
Year 12 - Magazine Industry

Hi folks - sorry to miss the lesson but I'm still not well....

Here's some work for you to be getting on with.

Resource: www.magforum.com (there's a link on The Spider)

Locate the timeline on the history of magazines. Print off and read/scan the information for events that seem significant in terms of the development of the industry. I am thinking here particularly of the impact of emerging technologies (e.g. tv in the 1930s) Highlight the developments.

Click on the section labelled Digital Magazines. Create your own timeline reflecting the significant developments since 1990.

Finally, at the end of the Digital Magazine section there is a link to an online poll asking people to think about their magazine reading habits in the future. Have a look at it and then devise your own questionnaire based around the question we looked at in class - will we still be buying magazines in the newsagent/supermarket in 20 years' time?

That should keep you busy.

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