
AS Level Essay 1 Textual Analysis DUE DATE MONDAY 31ST OCTOBER

Failure to complete this task is not an option - if you do not hand in the work by the deadline you will complete the task under timed conditions at lunch time. You have been warned!

For the first formal written assignment you will undertake a textual analysis of
TWO films. You should limit the analysis to a 5 minute sequence from each film. It can be the opening but it doesn't have to be.

Your analysis should focus on a detailed deconstruction of the elements of mise-en-scene and the potential meanings created for an audience. You should also consider how genre conventions are established or subverted in the sequences you have chosen to write about.

You have a choice in terms of the way you structure your analysis. You can write about each film in turn or you can offer a written response which synthesizes your analysis of both sequences. In either case, you must try to offer some comparison between the texts and consider the ways in which meaning is made.

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