

Choosing one of the images below, please carry out a semiotic analysis

Be sure to include the following in your response:
  • Appropriate media language
  • Plenty of detail
  • Information on what is represented on a micro and macro level - Can you remember the difference?

1 comment:

  1. Sugar rush
    The mise en scene of the picture if obviously feminine the pink combined with two teenage girls. The girl on the right is looking at the left hand one the connotation of this is that she looks up to her. The setting is a beach as shown by the ice creams and stones, however we can see it is not a happy family beach story, as the girls are swearing. The ice cream have the connotation of childhood, suggesting the changing from child to adult.The close proximity of the two character implies friendship and we can assume the text stars the two and their friendship as a main issue. We could also guess at the how this piece works on a macro level, the swearing and hooded top suggests the piece tackles class issues.
