
And the winner from Year 12B1MS is....Media Tube

So the votes cast are as follows:

Media Tube 10
Upload 1
Download (no points)

I want everyone to post a comment evaluating their group's front cover. You need to think whether your media product would stand up against a real media text. I would also like you to include your blog address in the post.


  1. i think that to be fair, Download would be a pretty good magazine if it went up against a real market. one major draw back though is the attractiveness to women not just men. A major source of income would be through adverts. even though Download would incorporate a range of media and popular intrests to men of 18y/o.
    download would perform against many rivals, even though its targeted at men, these men will be well educated, have an intrest in technology and be creative in their own media, whether it be music, film or games, Download will create the baby steps and the reader ( the creator) can have its very own launch and actualy have a backing that belives in this new product, a film ect.
    In real terms to huge producers such as IPC media, it would get shot down straight away, the market is far to competitive.


  2. I believe that download would do well in the competitive market. It includes various topics that would appeal to men such as technology, gaming, sport and music. In download,they lose all sense of time when they read it, they can have hours of enjoyment!
    One drawback for the magazine though, is that it does not attract female readers - especially with the frontcover which is used. This magazine is mainly for the teenage market,(on average the teenage reader is 18 year olds).
    The front cover used is really appealing, it immediately grabs your eye as megan fox seems to be looking straight at you. The fonts and colours used are not all the same, which makes it dull and quite depressing to be honest when they are!! On the front cover itself, it tells you what's included in the magazine to save the reader time and effort to have to flick through it just to see what's included.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think that Uploads cover is quite eyecatching as the cover is completly blue which makes it stand out as others usually go with plainer colours. We also choose blue as it is a unisex colour and does not allienate people, for example if we had choosen to have a pink front cover men may have seen it and assumed it was a womens magazine.

    However the text is quite difficult to read especially in the top corner where all the cover stories are so that might make it less appealing as people wouldnt be able to see from a distance what the magazine had in it; but the main interview and the competition might be enough to gain their interest.
    I think that Upload would do well in the market as it helps people understand the media world in small doses and shows examples of people who have achieved something from a small idea.


  5. I think that our group's magazine cover "Upload" is very eye catching and will appeal to the market we are aiming at. The cover has a black and blue theme which appeals to young men. Our magazine also includes a competition to win an iPhone, which hopefully will bring more readers.

    However, the image is quite small in the centre of the magazine, unfortunatly i couldn't find a larger image, so we had to stick with the smaller one. Usually magazines will have an image that covers the whole page. The writing next to the title is quite small and hard to read which is another downside, but could easily be changed.

    Overall i think our cover is good. There are some parts that need inproving but i think it will appeal to the target market.


  6. I believe that 'Media Tube' would do well if it was to stand up against a real media text because of many different reasons. The group i was in wanted the magazine to appeal to both male and females and i think this has been done well with our feature as Esmee Denters. She appeals to both genders as she does not alienate her women audience as she is not all about just sex appeal so women inspire to be like her but she still appeals to men.

    The front cover is eye-catching as the feature picture covers the whole of the front cover and there is enough text to tell the reader what the magazine is about but not to much which means the reader will want to read inside. We are also advertising a competition which will attract readers to buy it in the hope they may win the prize.

    If we had more time the colour scheme might have been different with more colours being used rather then just the one and would try and make the writing more clear as it can become hard to read as it goes over the picture.

    Overall i am pleased with this magazine cover seeing as it was a first attempt and think the group worked hard on making the finished product.


  7. I beleive our front cover design was fair, considering the limited time and experiance involved in designing it.

    The cover shot of the Esmee Denters was choosen not just as eye candy for males, but also a sort of role model to all potential internet celebrities. We intentionally choose a picture that didn't alienate women by being overly sexualised, however it did carry some appeal for men.

    The text highlighted some of the main features of the magazine. They were choosen largely on the grounds of being the most appealing to a potential buyer. For example, the competition. I do however, think the colour sceme was extremely limited, and the main title could do with some work; it's really boring...

    Overall, the cover seemed a tad boring to me. Ideally with more time a know-how, I could ahve produced a better design. That said, this was my first attempt at a task like this.


  8. I think that media tube won the competition as it can appeal to all audiences. The cover girl Esmee Denters appeals to male and female, which unlike download is an unisex production.

    I think that Sam did a really good job on the cover with the limited time that he had. I know that if he had more time he would have changed the colour scheme.

    The main components of our magazine would draw the reader in, with competitions to win good prizes as well as articles to do with social networking and YouTube.

    Our main title was supposed to sound like Youtube, as if this was an actual magazine, we would hope to be in partnership with a famous organistaion such as YouTube.

    Me and Chloe both did the pitch, I talked about the actual magazine, and Chloe about the ideal reader.

    The only downside was that Callum was not there for the pitch, so therefore contributed very little to the project,as we chose to use Sam's cover over his.

    Overall, was a fun project and we are glad we won!


  9. I thought the cover for 'Upload' was faily well done, the gradiating blue seemed to be very eye catching. The cover of the magazing doesn't appeal just to one sex but to both male and females, which we said in our pitch would not restrict our sales to just men or women. Also the cover included a competition to win an iPhone which would attract people's attention as it is a very well known and desired piece of technology.
    The disappointing thing of our cover was mainly the picture, there was difficulty in finding a larger picture for the front cover therefore you could say it looks a little bare.
    I think if we had some more time we could have improved largely on both our pitch and our front cover, producing more ideas to add on and possibly find a more appropriate and larger picture.
    Well done team Upload :)

