
Getting started on the FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO


A mark out of 20 is awarded for this element of the coursework. See page 67 of the specification for the mark scheme.

All research and planning will be presented electronically via your blog. If you have given your blog a silly name, now is the time to change it – YOUR WORK MAY BE MODERATED BY THE EXAMINER.


Research into similar media texts and analysis of their forms and conventions:


Film openings: look at the link to ART OF THE TITLE SEQUENCE.

Break down your choice of film openings and analyse them like they’ve done on the art of the title sequence. This should help focus your attention on the importance of titles. Don’t forget to discuss mise-en-scene, camerawork, editing etc…

Audience research


You must have a clear idea of your target audience. You need to carry out a number of audience research tasks and document how these have helped to develop your production work. I will expect to see some edited footage of audience interviews/focus groups at work etc…

You can also get some interim audience feedback on your ideas for a front cover/double page spread – film yourself discussing your ideas with others.

A summative post giving a 25 word analysis of who you think your audience is.

• Planning


Treatment (Film option)
Script (Film option)
Mood boards
Location shots (Film and Magazine options)
Drafting – ideas for front cover/double page spread – mock ups
Storyboard - filmed as an animatic (take stills of each frame and cut together on imovie)
Ideas for photoshoot – experimenting with the SLR camera.

Add your own ideas for planning – the more creative the better.

Have a look at the preliminary tasks for each brief – these are part of the planning process…

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