Genre Is Dead
Many new genres emerge and sub genres which make old ones seem outdated.
Genre changes all the time, we can't keep up to date with the change.
Genre is an abstract conception!
'Can new genres replace them enough to keep up to date?'
There's always new genres and sub-genres being invented; and ones dying out. so they could completely die out.
'Apart from new genres being created, what else could make the medium of genre die out?'
Since the birth of conventions in film and music, etc. Genre has been changed to fit conventions or there 'has been the evolution of conventions within a genre', surely the genre isn't a fixed thing, if it changes to conventions, then genre is dead, but conventions are alive.
'Why are conventions changing?'
Any text requires what is sometimes called cultured capital on the pat of its audience to make sense of it
'Is there a cultural recession?'
Conventions still in place though lines blurred. 'Any theme may appear in any genre'
'Define an example of this and law it applies'
Complexity of society. Excess in unnamed sub-genres No disputed 'map'. Abstract conception.
Mixing together, sub categories, no typical divide.
'Is it necessary to limit work to a genre when we are constantly trying to push boundaries in our work?'
Some media products can be a combination of genres and difficult to define to a certain group.
'Is it necessary to limit work to a genre when trying to push boundaries?'
Knowing what genre is relevant today from a business standpoint
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