
Lady Gaga's TELEPHONE........What kind of genre bending is going on? Is this a music video or short film with music? Or is it a GAGA?

I watched the latest Lady Gaga's music video - via Yahoo music - during period 4 (thanks for the reference Saskia). It is well worth watching in terms of the discussion we've been having about genre.....this music video comes complete with a narrative (not closed - left open-ended (so is it technically a film which is traditionally a closed form), intertextual references to the films of Russ Meyer (actually, a director of porn films) and Quentin Tarantino. The representation of women is an interesting one and in the context of the video it would prove fruitful to discuss who the intended audience for this music video is.

I also think Lady Gaga is being playful with some of the controversy surrounding her own gender/identity - so reference to the real world of media speculation is evident......

Do music videos need a classification?

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